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Pleased to inform that the contract of our wholly owned subsidiary Trigyn Technologies Inc., with the United Nations for the provision of IT Staffing Support service for Office of Information and Communications Technology (OICT) is now extended and will expire on 31 December 2020. 

Further the United Nations Not-To-Exceed Amount (NTE) of the Contract is revised from the existing US$ 173,160,722.84 to US$ 194,160,722.84.

All the other terms and conditions of the contract remains unchanged.

About Trigyn Technologies Limited

Trigyn Technologies, established in 1986, is a public multi-national Information Technology firm with 1,500 resources deployed in 25 countries across Asia, North America, Europe, and Africa.  Trigyn has an established client base of major fortune 500 companies in diverse industries, Intergovernmental Organizations, and US State Governments. Trigyn’s service offerings include a rich history of implementing fully operational Unified Command & Control Centers, Smart Solutions, Internet of Things (IoT), Smart Utilities, Security, Surveillance and more. Trigyn is ISO 9001:2015, ISO 27001:2013 (ISMS) and CMMI Level 5 Certified. Trigyn maintains industry partnerships with Microsoft, IBM, SAP, EMC, TIBCO and other industry leaders.

The Company is listed on The National Stock Exchange of India Limited (NSE) and BSE Limited (BSE).

Trigyn Technologies, Inc. is a Delaware Corporation headquartered in Edison, New Jersey with office locations in New York City, Washington DC, Toronto and Montréal Canada. Trigyn Technologies, Inc. is an E-Verify and Equal Opportunity Employer.

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