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Development of a National Youth Mentorship Platform

Case Study: Development of a National Youth Mentorship Platform

September 19, 2024


Trigyn was engaged by a government client to create an innovative platform to support a nationwide youth mentorship program. With a population of over 380 million young people, the country recognized the need for a unified system to connect youth with organizations offering opportunities in leadership, training, and entrepreneurship. The objective was to establish a multilingual, user-friendly platform that could serve as a bridge between these organizations and the youth, fostering growth, skill development, and career advancement.

This initiative aimed to address the challenges faced by youth in accessing resources and opportunities scattered across various sectors. By bringing everything under one platform, the project sought to empower the youth with the tools and knowledge needed for personal and professional growth. The government also wanted to ensure inclusivity, making the platform accessible to individuals from diverse linguistic and socioeconomic backgrounds.


Scope of Work

The project was ambitious in its scope, requiring the development of a comprehensive platform with a range of functionalities designed to cater to the needs of a diverse user base. The key elements of the scope included:

  1. Platform Development: Trigyn was tasked with developing a highly interactive web portal and mobile applications for both Android and iOS. These applications needed to support multi-user logins and provide a user-friendly interface, complete with dashboards that would facilitate easy navigation for youth seeking opportunities. The interface was designed to be intuitive and efficient, ensuring that users could access information and register for programs with minimal effort.
  2. Creation of a National Registry and Repository: One of the primary features of the platform was the establishment of a national registry. This repository included a comprehensive database of youth, partner organizations, and the various schemes and services available to them. The registry aimed to provide verified and updated information, enabling youth to make informed decisions about their engagement with different programs.
  3. Onboarding of Schemes and Services: The platform was designed to onboard a wide array of schemes and services from both governmental and private sector organizations. This included programs in education, vocational training, entrepreneurship, and more. The goal was to provide a one-stop solution for youth to explore and engage with these opportunities, streamlining the process of discovery and application.
  4. API-Based Integration: To ensure seamless interaction between the platform and external services, Trigyn implemented API-based interfaces. These interfaces allowed the platform to link youth with their desired programs in a simplified and efficient manner. This integration facilitated real-time matching and engagement, enhancing the overall user experience.
  5. Geotagging and Localization: Understanding the importance of catering to local needs, the platform was equipped with geotagging capabilities. This feature enabled the platform to localize the interests and demands generated by users, ensuring that the services and opportunities presented were relevant to their geographical location.
  6. Backend Process Integration and Tracking: The platform was designed to include integrated backend processes that allowed for easy tracking of applications and service delivery status. This provided users with transparency and control over their engagement with various programs, fostering trust and reliability
  7. Gamification and Incentivization: To encourage active participation and engagement, the platform included options for gamification and reward-based incentivization schemes. This innovative approach aimed to make the process of personal development more engaging and rewarding for the youth.
  8. Notifications, Dashboards, and Reporting: A robust notification system was incorporated to keep users informed about new opportunities, updates, and service statuses. In addition, comprehensive dashboards were developed for all stakeholders, including youth, organizations, and administrators, to facilitate effective monitoring and reporting.
  9. Integrated Multilingual Support and AI Chatbot: The platform featured an integrated multilingual helpline and grievance management system, supported by an AI-based chatbot. This ensured that users could seek assistance and resolve issues in their preferred language, enhancing accessibility and user satisfaction.
  10. Security and Accessibility: The platform was developed to be an end-to-end secure solution, available in all Indian languages. This was crucial to ensure the privacy and security of user data, as well as to provide equal access to users from different linguistic backgrounds.


Technologies Used

Trigyn leveraged a wide array of advanced technologies to develop a platform that was not only scalable but also capable of delivering a seamless user experience. The technology stack included:

  • Web and Mobile Technologies: The front-end and back-end development utilized a range of technologies, including HTML, CSS, PHP, Symfony, JavaScript, React JS, jQuery, and Bootstrap. Frameworks such as Laravel, CakePHP, and CodeIgniter were employed to build a robust and scalable architecture.
  • Database Management: A centralized database system was established using MySQL and MongoDB. This database was designed to handle large volumes of data and ensure the quick retrieval of information. Role-based access permissions were implemented to maintain data security and integrity.
  • Cloud and AI Integration: AWS components were utilized to provide cloud infrastructure, ensuring the platform's scalability and reliability. AI was integrated to power the chatbot and data analytics features, enabling real-time matching of users with relevant programs and providing insights for continuous improvement.
  • APIs and Web Services: The platform employed RESTful APIs, AJAX, and JSON for efficient communication between different components. OAuth 2.0 was used for secure authentication, and APIs facilitated seamless integration with external services and databases.
  • Development and Testing Tools: Development and testing were supported by tools such as Git, Subversion, Firebase, Selenium, JMeter, and Jenkins. These tools ensured that the platform was built and tested to the highest standards of quality and performance.
  • Server and Infrastructure: The platform was hosted on a scalable infrastructure, using Apache Web Server, WSO2, Tomcat, Redis, and Nginx. Docker and Kubernetes were employed for containerization and orchestration, ensuring efficient deployment and management of the platform.
  • User Interface and Experience: Trigyn utilized tools like Canva, Figma, Sketch, Adobe XD, Photoshop, and Illustrator to design a visually appealing and user-friendly interface. Invision was used for prototyping and user experience testing.
  • Additional Components: The platform also incorporated features such as IVRS (Interactive Voice Response System), multimodal capabilities (including voice, text, images, and videos), and a domain focus on youth, academic, career-oriented, and government schemes. Advanced search and Management Information System (MIS) reports were also included to provide valuable insights and facilitate data-driven decision-making.



Trigyn successfully delivered a robust, stable, and scalable solution that exceeded the expectations of the government client. The National Youth Mentorship Platform has become a centralized hub for youth engagement, offering a comprehensive suite of tools and resources that empower young individuals to explore and pursue opportunities in leadership, training, and entrepreneurship.

The platform's multilingual support, intuitive design, and real-time matching capabilities have made it an invaluable resource for the country's youth. By leveraging advanced technologies such as cloud computing, AI, and data analytics, Trigyn has created a platform that is not only capable of handling large-scale interactions but also adaptable to the evolving needs of its users.

Moreover, the platform has facilitated a two-way engagement between youth and organizations, enabling seamless communication, feedback, and support. The inclusion of features such as gamification, geotagging, and incentivization has further enhanced user engagement, making the process of personal and professional development both rewarding and enjoyable.

In conclusion, Trigyn's development of the National Youth Mentorship Platform has played a crucial role in nurturing the next generation of leaders. By providing a secure, accessible, and user-centric platform, Trigyn has contributed to the empowerment of millions of young individuals, helping them realize their full potential and make a positive impact on society.

Tags:  Custom Development, Cloud, Big Data, AI, Government