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Trigyn Technologies has successfully delivered a new website which is launched for United Nations Treaty Section of the Office of Legal Affairs - The Office of Legal Affairs creates, maintains and publishes treaties and international agreements along with their amendments, publications, articles and studies that are accessed by people world over. The website is a responsive with complete redesign, migrated on a modern platform having an improved look, enhanced access to the databases of different areas of mandated activities to provide latest treaty-related information.

The content of the website is bi-lingual rendering information in English and French. It also offers access to the treaty collections stored in Documentum consisting of all multilateral treaties deposited with the Secretary- General of the United Nations and those formerly deposited with the League of Nations - their latest status and a link to the bilateral and multilateral treaties registered with and published by the United Nations Secretariat.

Trigyn has been supporting the Treaty Section by maintaining and supporting their Documentum and UNTC website for more than 11 years from their offshore development center, Mumbai.

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